Alerts & Notices

for College of San Mateo, Cañada College and Skyline College

Employee Update – April 15

New Student Guidelines for Excused Withdrawal, Pass/No Pass, and Incomplete Grading Options
In accordance with guidelines announced by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the District has issued instructions to students about how to go about dropping courses or changing grading options. Students are strongly encouraged to talk to a counselor before making changes. See the full announcement.

COVID-19 Leaves of Absence
Do you need to take an emergency or family leave due to the COVID-19 crisis? The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides new leave programs to assist employees through this time. Download this FFCRA Leaves Information and the necessary forms:

Employee Assistance Program
The District’s employee assistance provider Claremont EAP has established a COVID19 Resource Center with links to global news sources as well as materials from Claremont EAP.

If you are a full-time benefitted employee in need of mental health resources, download this EAP Summary of Benefits.

Need Access to Food, Unemployment, or Housing? Help Resources for Students and Employees
The District has a new web page full of resources for students and community members who have lost a job, need food or shelter, need access to mental health services, and more. Please refer students or others to this page who need assistance:

Local COVID-19 Data
San Mateo County Health keeps an updated website showing current COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospital data on its website. ealth Heal;th

CCC Chancellor’s Office Updates
The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has created an extensive COVID-19 Resources website with guidance for students, faculty, staff, and other helpful information.

Community Resources
San Mateo County has an extensive list of emergency assistance services for food, shelter, finance, mental health and other needs. Please share this site with anyone who needs help.

Get the Latest District Information
District COVID-19 Page
Telephone Hotline: 650-574-6650

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