After consultation with the Board of Trustees and College Presidents, and in light of the continuing guidance coming from local, state, and federal health officials, SMCCCD Interim Chancellor Mike Claire announced the following decisions regarding District operations for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester:
Spring 2020 Semester
- Classes for all three Colleges will continue through the spring semester in an online or distance learning modality.
- Face-to-face instruction is suspended for the remainder of the semester.
- We are monitoring policies from the State Chancellor’s Office regarding disciplines that have labs which require in-person or face to face contact. We work with the Academic Senate and faculty in those disciplines as State policies are finalized.
Commencement and Other Related Events
With regret, we must postpone commencement ceremonies as well as all other related end-of-year celebrations. We must do our part to slow the spread of the coronavirus and it is simply not realistic to expect that mass gatherings will be possible in two months. We are committed to celebrating the incredible accomplishments of our graduates and will reschedule these events as soon as possible.
Campus Access is Prohibited for the Duration of Local and State Shelter-in-Place Orders
Access to our campuses and District Office remains prohibited as long as state and local shelter-in-place orders are in effect.
Vice Presidents and deans will continue to coordinate arrangements for access to campus offices, classrooms, or labs that is absolutely essential to the continuation of online/distance instruction through spring 2020. Any special access will be on a limited basis and must be pre-approved.
Summer 2020
We will make a decision in April regarding instructional modalities for the Summer 2020 term.
Spring Break Hours
Next week is our scheduled Spring Break. Should students need to contact College or District staff, they have modified work hours of 8:00 am – 2:00pm.
Tuesday, March 31 is the César Chávez holiday, so “offices” are closed.
Flex Day Information for Faculty and Staff
See announcements at
District Information
COVID-19 Website
Phone Hotline: 650-574-6650