Alerts & Notices

for College of San Mateo, Cañada College and Skyline College

Employee Update

Here is the daily employee update for March 19.

Introducing the New COVID-19 Hub

The District has consolidated resources into the new SMCCCD COVID-19 Hub – a single, user-friendly landing page for students, faculty, and staff to get the information they need for online education, distance learning, working from home, and staying informed. We’ve also added a blog that will carry all the latest announcements, tips, and resources.


District Employee COVID-19 exposure protocols

If you hear a report of someone who thinks they were exposed to coronavirus, report it to District health officer Emily Barrick at She is the District point-person for contact with San Mateo County Health and with the District on health concerns. It is NOT appropriate for anyone else from our District to notify students, faculty, or staff that they may have been involved in a COVID-19 exposure. Read the full announcement.

Help Build Our Knowledge Base

The District will soon be launching a telephone hotline for students, employees and community members to get the latest information. We need your help to generate a list of frequently asked questions for the call center workers to use. Managers/Deans: Please use this online form to submit questions you would like us to answer on the new hotline. You don’t have to know the answer (though if you do, please tell us!).

Picking up a Laptop? Follow these Rules.

Some surplus District laptops are being distributed on a limited basis to employees and students who need them for working from home. We cannot compromise the health and safety of the employees working at these distribution sites. Therefore, please observe the following:

  • People that have any health symptoms (cough, sneezing, etc.) will not be served. Please stay home.
  • Do not bring your friends or family. They will not be permitted at the ITS distribution centers.
  • Maintain 6 feet of social distancing

New Cañada College Access Point

The campus access point for residents of Cañada Vista has been changed from the Cañada Road-West Entrance, to the main entrance at Farm Hill Blvd. This transition is effective immediately and both entrances will be activated until 5 pm today, so all stakeholder groups can be notified of the change.

Farmer’s Market Returns to CSM!

We’re excited to announce the San Mateo Farmer’s Market will reopen in a new location at CSM. Farmer’s markets, like grocery stores, are “essential services” that are still allowed to operate under the County shelter-in-place order. The market will be open Saturdays, 9am – 1pm, at the lower Hillsdale Lot (Lot1). See campus map.

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